Histamine Canned Fish Imports

Aerona Customs Clearing Agents Welcomes Defra’s Easement for Histamine Canned Fish Imports

Aerona was pleased to read about the recent development from the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra) regarding temporary easements concerning paperwork requirements for histamine canned fish imports. 

This welcome news brings relief and clarity to importers dealing with EU origin shelf-stable fishery products associated with histamine. 

As part of our standard protocols, all products in the BTOM medium-risk category are required to have an Export Health Certificate (EHC) submitted along with their pre-notification. 

However, in an attempt to support businesses and following careful consultation, Defra has communicated a significant adjustment granting a three-month flexibility period until August 15th 2024. 

Importers of EU origin shelf-stable fishery products linked to histamine will now be allowed entry without an EHC if they encounter difficulties in obtaining the certificate. 

It should be mentioned that the usual commercial documents remain mandatory for these imports. 

There has also been a similar flexibility granted until August 15th 2024, for histamine canned fish products originating from non-EU countries that have entered the EU market before being re-exported to Great Britain. 

Exporters handling these goods must include the original EHC, clearly indicating the non-EU country of origin, in their commercial documentation to utilise this temporary relief. 

  • It is important to highlight that this provision does not cover direct non-EU imports into Great Britain. 
  • It is essential to emphasise that this temporary easement does not alter the risk categorisation of these products. 

The action serves as a proactive measure to address traders’ inquiries regarding the classification of histamine canned fish imports. 

Defra’s decision to implement this flexibility aims to support businesses during this transitional period, providing them with the necessary assistance and guidance. 

At Aerona Customs Clearing Agents, we are committed to facilitating smooth and efficient clearance processes for our clients. 

We understand the complexities and challenges associated with importing goods, especially those requiring specific documentation and certifications. 

We welcome Defra’s initiative to streamline the paperwork requirements for histamine canned fish imports, making the importation process more manageable for businesses operating in this sector. 

Should you have any questions or require further clarification regarding these recent developments or any other customs-related matters, please do not hesitate to reach out to our dedicated team. 

We are here to assist you every step of the way and ensure that your importation experience is as seamless as possible. We value your partnership and trust in our services, and we look forward to continuing to support your customs clearing needs with efficiency and professionalism. 

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